Country Cooperation Strategy

The Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic and the World Health Organization (WHO) are pleased to present the Country Cooperation Strategy for the Czech Republic for 2024–2030, which provides strategic direction for collaboration for health for the next six years. It reflects the country’s national health and development agenda and identifies a set of agreed joint priorities in line with the WHO Regional Office for Europe’s commitment to leaving no one behind and to strengthen the leadership of national health authorities across the European Region.

The Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) sets a vision and a guide for the collaboration between WHO and the Czech Republic, in line with the Strategic Framework Czech Republic 2030 and the Public Health Strategy for 2021–2030, with mutually agreed priorities to promote, provide and protect health and well-being for all people in the Czech Republic. Led by the Ministry of Health and the WHO Country Office in the Czech Republic, the CCS was developed through a series of consultations, based on the Czech Republic’s current and future health needs, and considering WHO’s core functions and comparative and strategic advantage.

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