Results of a qualitative study among refugees from Ukraine in Czechia

Behavioural insights on health service needs, access and uptake

The Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 led to the displacement of over 7 million Ukrainians to neighbouring European Union countries. To understand and document access to health services from the refugee perspective, the WHO Regional Office for Europe, WHO Country Office in Czechia, Ministry of Health of Czechia and other key partners conducted a qualitative study of Ukrainian refugees in Czechia between May and September 2023. The objective was to identify health service needs and gaps and the barriers and drivers of health service uptake. Refugees appreciated the support provided to them, especially health insurance, and found it reassuring that emergency health care is available free of charge. Challenges to accessing routine care included finding an available family doctor, getting timely appointments and language barriers. Although mental health and psychosocial support is available, many refugees reported not using these services. Considerations for action focus on tailoring the response to those in most need.

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